5 Ways To Use A Vitamin E Capsule On The Skin

Vitamin E has many benefits when it comes to skin care. Here are some of its most important uses.
5 ways to use a vitamin E capsule on the skin

A vitamin E capsule can be easily purchased at almost any pharmacy or cosmetics store. This product, in addition to being economical, can be a good complement for skin health care. Haven’t you included her in your beauty routine yet?

Although you may have noticed, many of your cosmetic products are fortified with vitamin E. The reason? This nutrient is beneficial for skin health. As supported by a study published in the  Indian Dermatology Online Journal , vitamin E helps prevent skin diseases, promotes healing and prevents premature aging.

Interestingly, unlike other products, the topical application of vitamin E rarely causes side effects. Only in a small number of cases can it generate contact dermatitis symptoms. Are you interested in knowing how to take advantage of a vitamin E capsule? Keep reading!

Possible uses of the vitamin E capsule for the skin

Before knowing the uses that can be given to a vitamin E capsule for the skin, it is important to clarify:  all signs of dermatological diseases, including acne, should be checked by a dermatologist or doctor. While vitamin E can be beneficial, it is not a first-line treatment for disease.

On the other hand, it is essential to keep in mind that its effects are not instantaneous or miraculous. The benefits that vitamin E provides to the skin are obtained over time, when constantly used as part of our beauty routine. Knowing this, let’s see below its most important uses.

1. As an eye contour cream

Woman using vitamin capsule as eye cream

The skin around the eyes is more delicate and often suffers from the negative effects of sun exposure. For this reason, it may be beneficial to apply the contents of a vitamin E capsule to this area.

Coinciding with information published in Free Radical Research Communications , the vitamin E has beneficial effects in preventing damage induced by UV rays. Furthermore, it also helps to inhibit the effects of oxidative stress.

How to use?

  • The texture can look very oily and sticky. It is recommended that you gradually apply the contents of the capsule and massage. That way the fat will be completely absorbed and you will avoid inconveniences.
  • To let it work well and due to its texture, we recommend that you do this procedure before bed.

2. As anti-pigmentation lotion

Pigmentation is a term very familiar to many of us. In fact, there are lines of cosmetics and beauty products designed just to meet this characteristic.

If you’re struggling to fight age spots, pregnancy, or prolonged exposure to the sun, why not try using a vitamin E capsule?

As it is rich in antioxidants, it promotes skin regeneration. In fact, it has shown minimal effectiveness against problems like melasma.

How to use?

  • Just take the contents of the capsule and apply it to the blemished skin.
  • Then massage it so that it is absorbed as much as possible.
  • Then go to sleep and let it act all night. The next morning, wash your face as usual.

3. Use a vitamin E capsule as an anti-aging cream

Vitamin capsule helps to rejuvenate the face

The application of the contents of a vitamin E capsule will have no miraculous effects in preventing wrinkles. However, due to the benefits it provides to the skin, it can help keep it younger longer. This, especially, when complemented by healthy habits and basic facial care.

How to use?

  • You can apply the oil to sensitive areas, such as around the lips, around the eyes, neck, forehead, and so on.
  • Use every night before bed.

4. As a lip balm

The lip balm is a product that helps the skin to keep the lips hydrated and protected. While there are many effective commercial formulas, some of the contents of a vitamin E capsule can be used instead. 

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and photoprotective properties, its application reduces problems such as dryness and reduces the premature deterioration of your delicate skin.

How to use?

  • As the contents of a capsule can be too much for your lips, you can put the oil in a small container and take it with you.
  • Every two hours, apply some of this oil instead of your usual protectant.
  • If you are in the habit of making your own protectors, next time add this vitamin to your preparation. This is perfect if, in addition to beautiful lips, you want to add color to them.

5. As a cream against stretch marks

Vitamin capsule helps to minimize stretch marks

We can almost certainly say that there is no such thing as a woman who is completely free of stretch marks. Changes in weight, pregnancy, lack of exercise and what you eat influence the appearance of these irritating marks.

Stretch marks are usually  found in the belly area, but they also affect the arms, legs and breasts. Would you like to make them less apparent? An alternative is to use a vitamin E capsule. Although it is not possible to reduce them overnight, their constant use is beneficial.

How to use?

  • Apply the contents of the capsule to your skin  and massage until absorbed.
  • Add two or three capsules to your usual stretch mark cream. In this case, it will take longer to see results, but if the cream is good, you can get a lot of benefits.


Using a vitamin E capsule does not work miracles when it comes to skin care, but it can help you look healthier when incorporated into your daily beauty routine. Obviously, this practice must be complemented with good lifestyle habits and basic skin care.

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