5 Ways To Motivate Yourself When You Feel Unmotivated

To motivate yourself on the days when you’re not in the mood for anything, it’s a good idea to prepare a list of all the goals you’ve already achieved and to help you move forward.
5 ways to motivate yourself when you feel unmotivated

Demotivation is a state of mind that we all go through. It is very easy to find ourselves in this situation when we feel lonely, discouraged and believe everything negative that can be said about us. We’ll give you some tips that will help you get motivated in these gray moments.

We’ve all dealt with these situations and that’s pretty normal, so don’t feel bad about it.

The important thing is that when you feel like this, you  must recognize the problem and  resolve it so that you don’t continue in that situation.

1. Avoid speculation and focus on facts

Unmotivated and lonely woman

When you are unmotivated it is extremely easy to see everything in gray and black.

Therefore, it is important to understand that we are going through this situation. We must not speculate but see the facts as they really are.

  • When you find yourself unmotivated in your love relationship, you should avoid looking at the speculative aspects and focusing on the facts.

In other words, if you really love your partner, you will notice that this problem that discourages you has a solution and it will take you away from the gray area.

  • When that happens, you’ll start to see the problem shrinking and you’ll be excited to know that there’s a solution.

2. Understand that you are human

We often think that, because we make a mistake on a certain occasion, everything will go wrong. Well, it’s not like that. You are human, so you must give yourself a chance to make mistakes.

Also, how are you going to learn without making a mistake?

Mistakes are lessons in disguise, so you have to see them objectively, learn the lesson, and that’s it.

  • When you feel discouraged by mistakes, turn around and  look all the way you’ve come to get where you are.

This way, you will return to the battle zone to continue advancing in your objectives.

  • For a moment, stop demanding of yourself whatever you think you need to be happier, prettier, more successful, or whatever you’re looking for.

If the cause of the lack of motivation is some mistake that you consider very serious, give time to think about it. Than continue.

3. Take a daily dose of motivation

Woman looking in the mirror to motivate herself.


It’s impossible to stay motivated 24 hours a day, but it  ‘s possible to be motivated every day. A good starting point is to list each morning the things you’ve accomplished.

It’s not every day that you’ll want to do it, and that’s where you should work the most.

Usually the best days on the list will be super easy. Even, there will be a lack of paper and you will have to dose so as not to saturate the mind.

The days when things don’t happen to feel motivated are when we need motivation the most. Strive to work on this list these days.

When you’re done, you’ll see everything you’ve done and feel inspired.

If at any point you feel like there’s nothing to be thankful for or feel good about,  review your notes from the past days.

Maybe what’s missing is hidden and waiting for you to see.

4. Breathe

Often, demotivation comes when we are saturated with information or not moving forward, and we need a break from our daily lives.

Taking a break from everything that puts you off isn’t bad ; in fact, it’s sorely needed.

This doesn’t mean that these things that discourage us make us unhappy. Nor does it mean that we don’t like what we think is important, it’s just a pause.

When you feel that way, take a walk, watch a movie, read a good book or a comic book. Do whatever it takes, including the opposite of what now brings demotivation.

This will help recharge your batteries, and when you come back, you’ll see it all fresh, fun and, without realizing it, you’ll feel motivated again.

5. Recognize that you need help

Motivated couple

While it’s good to motivate yourself and know how to do it, it’s also true that you often don’t succeed alone.

The reason for this is so simple that it doesn’t feel real. Our minds are so smart that sometimes it recognizes that we want to be motivated and creates barriers to prevent that from happening.

Unlike depression, where consultation with a psychologist may be necessary,  lack of motivation can be tackled with friends, partner and family.

Don’t be afraid to ask for this help. You will be surprised to find that several people are willing to help.

learn to motivate yourself

Not all people are the same, so there is no exact mathematical formula to motivate you. Therefore, you should try to find out as much as possible.

Take the time to understand what drives you, what scares you, where you want to go and how to get there. Answering these questions will give you the keys to face the moments you have to motivate yourself.

Remember that while motivation is part of the learning process, it shouldn’t last.  Don’t allow yourself to get frozen in this emotion.

Always keep in mind that you must love and respect yourself. Be your biggest fan and your best motivator.

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