5 Tricks To Clean A Leather Jacket

The leather jacket is a must-have item in the wardrobe of fashion-conscious people. See how to take care of her in the best way.
5 Tricks to Clean a Leather Jacket

The leather jacket, over the years, has become an essential piece in the closet. However, unlike other pieces of clothing, it requires special care to keep it in perfect condition. So, in this article, we’ll teach you 5 tricks for cleaning a leather jacket, as it never goes out of style and its style is bold and cool for any look. Furthermore, it is very versatile and goes with skirts, jeans, high heels and dresses.

Leather jackets became popular in the air force during World War II because they protected soldiers from the cold. However, leather is one of the oldest materials used by man.

It was the bikers and rockers who made her an icon of fashion and popular culture, making her a symbol of rebellion and attitude. Today there are many colors and styles and the industry has developed imitations using various synthetic materials.

Tricks to Clean a Leather Jacket

Leather is a delicate material that requires special care. The first thing to keep in mind is that you should know exactly what kind of leather your coat is made from: whether it is a natural material, animal material, or synthetic leather.

In general, natural leather requires more care but lasts longer. The main problem with the synthetic is that, over the years, it tends to peel.

However, we must not machine wash this material, regardless of whether it is synthetic leather or animal origin. Here are some tricks to keep your jacket clean and fresh.

Washing machine
Leather jackets cannot be machine washed, regardless of whether they are natural or synthetic.

1. Clean the inner lining of your leather jacket

Leather jackets usually have an inner lining that is in direct contact with the body and sweat. However, it is not recommended to wash it completely after each use.

An excellent alternative is to clean the inner lining with a cloth or a soft-bristled brush, such as those used to comb babies. Just add a mixture of delicate laundry soap, vinegar and baking soda.

It’s important that you don’t get it too wet. Vinegar and baking soda are great for removing odors and bacteria.

2. Clean the leather with soap and water

Mix water and a little mild soap. Make sure the solution has more water, as too much soap can cause discoloration or damage to the leather. Wet a sponge in this solution and gently wipe the jacket, trying to rub the dirtiest parts.

Soon after, pass a towel dampened in water to remove soap residue. Remember to just moisten it and not wet it so as not to create excesses that generate stains.

3. Dry your leather jacket carefully

Drying is an important part of keeping leather jackets in top condition as they are very sensitive to liquids and can even generate mold. Therefore, it is essential that, after cleaning with water, you use a towel to dry the surface well.

Also, it’s good to hang it in a cool place to finish drying completely. Never place it directly in the sun for a long time as it can affect the color and also dry out.

4. Moisturizing product to clean your leather jacket

There are a number of products on the market for conditioning leather clothing that allow the surface to stay hydrated so as not to crack or lose its shine. You can also protect them with shea butter, a natural product that also has cosmetic applications.

You can revive the look of a leather jacket with these substances. Just put a small amount on a soft cloth and rub across the entire surface.

suede jacket
Cleaning leather jackets requires precautions not to overwet the material and not mold.

5. Use special leather products

There are specific products to protect and clean leather, especially those of natural origin. You can buy a leather cleaner, which is advisable for this type of material that is more delicate. In addition, there are specific waterproofing agents to protect fabrics from water.

While these products can be expensive, they are an excellent investment for a garment that will last years in your wardrobe. Also, you can use them on leather shoes and upholstery.

Follow the instructions on the label to clean your leather jacket

Once you know all these tricks for cleaning a leather jacket, it’s equally important that you read the washing instructions on the label for your specific garment.

Another alternative is to send it to a laundry that specializes in these types of clothes.

Be careful with dry cleaning. A study by the Universidad de Palermo’s Textile Design and Clothing Carrera indicates that synthetic leather jackets can decompose with the substances used in this type of cleaning. Synthetic leather, on the other hand, is often made of plastic materials that do not resist the heat of iron, for example.

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