5 Spinach Recipes To Include In The Diet

Spinach can be eaten raw and be the perfect ingredient for salads, but also the touch you need for stews.
5 spinach recipes to include in your diet

Spinach is a vegetable that is grown for its nutritious and delicious leaves. They are formed by water, fats and carbohydrates.

It has antioxidant properties, is rich in vitamins A, C and fiber, especially in the stalk area, and also contains minerals.

Two types of spinach are usually grown: summer ones that have smooth seeds and winter ones that have prickly seeds with more lobulated leaves.

Thanks to these, we can enjoy spinach throughout the year.

Spinach Benefits

Spinach Benefits

  • They favor the transport of oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body.
  • They bring us energy and vitality.
  • They reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease due to their antioxidant properties.
  • They have a lot of folic acid.

What are you waiting for to include it in your diet? You will be delighted with the next recipes!

Spinach cream

If you haven’t had time to prepare something to eat, this recipe is your best option. Spinach cream is not only easy to prepare, it is tasty and nourishing.


  • 1 onion
  • 1 bunch of spinach
  • 2 tablespoons of butter (40 g)
  • 5 cups of chicken stock (1250 ml)
  • 1 cup of curd (200 g)
  • Salt and pepper to taste)

Method of preparation

  • First, cut the onion into small pieces.
  • Then pour the butter into a skillet and add the onion.
  • When the onion is lightly browned, add the washed and disinfected spinach. Cook until they turn a dark green color.
  • Then add the mixture in a blender and the chicken stock and the curd, beat for a few minutes.
  • Add salt and pepper to taste.
  • Finally, bring to a simmer for five minutes.

Kani salad with spinach


  • 5 bunches of spinach
  • 3 kani bars (crab sticks)
  • 1/2 cup of cottage cheese (100 g)
  • 1 sleeve
  • 1 tablespoon of sesame (10 g)

Method of preparation

  • First, wash and disinfect the spinach. Reserve.
  • Cut the sleeve into small squares. Also cut up spinach, kani  and curd.
  • Then mix all the ingredients.
  • To finish, pour the sesame spoon and the salad is ready to serve.

Spinach Pie

Spinach pizza recipe

Who doesn’t love pies? Even the little ones fall into their nets. With this recipe they won’t even realize they are eating vegetables.


For mass:

  • Flour (250 g)
  • Butter (200 g)
  • 1 big egg
  • Cold water (20 ml)
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil (32 g)

For the filling:

  • Spinach (500 g)
  • Cottage cheese (150 g)
  • 2 large eggs and a yolk
  • 3 greek yogurts (375 ml)
  • Parmesan cheese (15 g)
  • Feta cheese (100 g)
  • 10 cherry tomatoes
  • Salt and pepper to taste)

Method of preparation

  • First, pass the flour through a strainer and add the salt.
  • Then spread the butter with your fingers to give it texture.
  • Then add the egg yolk and water to start kneading.
  • Preheat oven to 190 ºC.
  • Wrap in film and place in refrigerator for an hour.
  • Now grease the pan where you will put the pie and place the dough.
  • Cover with foil and bake for fifteen minutes.
  • Remove the foil, pour in the beaten egg whites and lower the temperature to 180 ºC.

For the filling

  • First wash and disinfect the spinach.
  • Then, beat the curd.
  • Mix the cream cheese with the two eggs and the yolk.
  • Then add yogurt and Parmesan cheese.
  • Then add salt and pepper to taste.
  • Add the spinach and pour the mixture over the dough.
  • Then cut the feta cheese into small dice and the cherry tomatoes in half.
  • Place feta cheese and tomatoes on top.
  • Finally, bake for thirty minutes and enjoy this delicious dish.

We recommend reading: 5 ways to prepare juices with spinach to lose weight

Spinach au gratin

The gratin allows our dishes to acquire a toasted surface that gives them a unique touch. And what’s more, if combined with spinach juice, the result is simply spectacular.


  • 2 bunches of spinach
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 1/4 onion
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • Oaxaca cheese (100 g)
  • 1 cube of tomato broth
  • Water (125 ml)
  • Olive oil (15 g)

Method of preparation

  • The first thing we have to do is beat the tomato with the onion.
  • Add one of the garlic, broth and water to form a broth.
  • Then pour the olive oil into a skillet, chop the other garlic and onion.
  • After frying the mixture for four minutes, add the tomatoes and saute for five minutes.
  • Then add the first stock and let it boil for another five minutes.
  • In a container, pour the sauce and place a layer of spinach and cheese.
  • In the same way, add sauce and another layer of spinach and cheese until the container is full.
  • Cover with aluminum and place in oven over low heat so that the cheese melts.
  • If you wish, when serving, you can accompany it with rice.

banana and spinach

spinach juice recipe


  • 1 banana
  • 2 bunches of spinach
  • Almond milk (250 ml)
  • Honey (25 g)
  • Ice

Method of preparation

  • First, put the banana and spinach in the blender cup and add the almond milk.
  • Then add the honey spoon.
  • Then beat until the mixture is creamy and thick.
  • Finally, add the ice cubes and enjoy.

Ready to delight everyone with your menu?

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