5 Signs That You Are A Toxic Person

If you don’t want to be a toxic person to others, why is it to yourself? You should be the first to take care of yourself and seek well-being
5 signs that you are a toxic person

We’ve been talking a lot about the types of toxic people that might be around us. But  what if the toxic person were you? A person who self-intoxicates and harms himself.

It’s always easier to see the dirt in the other’s eyes, but maybe different relationships or people hurt you because you’re allowing it.

Perhaps your actions and decisions are more negative than you think. So today we’re going to show you 5 signs that can tell you if you’re turning into a toxic person.

Signs that indicate being a toxic person

1. Stand by the side of those who hurt you

Why do you stick by the person who hurts you so much? If you allow it, it’s not the person’s fault, it’s yours!

It may be that they are not ready to live together, that they are not compatible because they do not have the same vision of the world or the same values. Despite your slights, you remain by your side.

Woman trying to get out of a toxic relationship

When you act that way, you become a toxic person. Perhaps not in relation to others, but to himself.

You are not liking yourself, you  are not protecting yourself from the toxicity that pervades your relationship. What’s more, defend it by standing next to someone who knows he’s destroying you.

2. Blaming yourself for mistakes made

Nobody is perfect and we all make mistakes. That’s why it’s important to start seeing them as opportunities to learn and move forward.

If we are not able to do this and we are constantly berating ourselves for these past mistakes, we are hurting ourselves and preventing further progress.

Certainly you have become a very perfectionist or very demanding person.

You’re so hard on yourself that any mistake, no matter how small, is very serious.

Learn to accept your mistakes and not blame yourself for them. Making mistakes is a positive thing, so don’t give your mistakes toxic power.

3. Repress emotions

Due to life circumstances, maybe you have been through complicated relationships that hurt a lot. This made you repress your emotions to protect yourself.

What you don’t know is that in doing so you become even more toxic. If you ignore your emotions, if you repress and hold them back, negative emotions will surface. 

toxic girl crying

You must learn to express them without fear, because in this life we ​​have to take risks. Furthermore, emotions are like desires, they are to be conveyed.

If you repress your emotions, sooner or later you will be consumed. You will become a sad person who will not allow you to love or be loved. That you don’t deserve it. Express what you feel!

4. Be pessimistic

Life is not easy, but adopting a pessimistic attitude is not the best of our options. This will reflect on your personality and will also convey this feeling to others.

No matter how difficult the moment you are living, your pessimistic attitude will not improve it; what’s more, it’s making it worse and worse.

Among toxic people there is a profile named in this way, pessimists and complainers. Do you want to be one of them?

Optimism will be your best ally and will avoid your own autotoxicity. 

5. The others always first

Thinking about yourself doesn’t make you a selfish person, it makes you a person  who loves herself and protects herself in this way.

We are used to being told that we should always be concerned about the well-being of others, but should we forget about ourselves?

When we change the situation, many may see us as selfish, including yourself.

What you don’t know is that you are becoming a less toxic person.

Woman alone because it's toxic

In many cases, you become a toxic person yourself without knowing it. We don’t know that  toxicity is not just for others, but also for  ourselves.

Learn to analyze yourself, don’t be afraid to find out about yourself. We all make mistakes, but it’s in our power to rectify them.

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