5 Foods To Include In Your Breakfast To Strengthen Your Muscles

The key to having breakfast give us energy and help us strengthen our muscles is balance. We will combine the foods mentioned here with protein and fiber, for better results
5 Foods to Include in Your Breakfast to Strengthen Your Muscles

When it comes to losing weight, it is not enough to avoid consuming harmful fats or exercising more. It is necessary to go a step further and choose certain foods that can strengthen your muscles.

Something we all know is that when we lose weight our skin gets a little saggy. If we were able to provide a little more muscle mass, our image would undoubtedly be much more stabilized.

The key is to harmonize our diet so that we can acquire greater muscle tone as we lose weight.

Below, we will explain how to achieve this.

1. Oats help us strengthen muscles

Oats are one of the most complete cereals that we can include in our diet. It is energetic and nutritious, with a high biological value including proteins, carbohydrates and a large number of vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

As a curiosity, the Germans have two famous refrains about this cereal: “oats make men into iron men” and “oats speed them up”.

How to consume oats?

  • Choose whole oat flakes for breakfast.
  • Soak the oats, either in hot water or milk, and then mix with yogurt, chia seeds, juices or fruit.
Oats to strengthen muscles

2. Spinach, a source of protein

According to a study carried out at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm (Sweden), spinach helps us to strengthen our muscles.

  • This is due to the release of calcium ions from this vegetable on our body.
  • Let’s not forget that  calcium is an essential electrolyte for muscle contraction.
  • Spinach is also rich in nitrates, a compound that increases the production of proteins that tone and strengthen muscles.

How to consume spinach for breakfast?

  • It is always better to consume raw spinach. In this way, we take advantage of all those enzymes that are normally lost during cooking.
  • You can prepare, for example, rich salads with spinach, strawberries and nuts. A small portion is enough to enjoy a nutritious and energetic breakfast.
  • Spinach shakes are also very healthy.

3. Bananas, rich in potassium

We are sure that you have seen many athletes consume bananas in their moments of rest. Not only do they allow them to recover energy at the same time, but they also take care of strengthening their muscles.

  • Bananas contain potassium, a mineral necessary for the transmission and generation of nerve impulses from the muscles.
  • Let’s not forget that bananas contain magnesium, folic acid and fiber. They help us take care of the immune processes and the formation of red blood cells.
Banana to strengthen muscles

How to consume bananas for breakfast?

If you feel good, don’t think twice about consuming it two or three times a week. A great way to include it in your breakfast is to cut a banana into pieces and add a little honey and cinnamon to it. Delicious!

4. White tea and its thermogenic effect

White tea has a powerful thermogenic effect provided by an active compound: epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG).

  • This natural drink full of antioxidants not only allows us to burn fat, it also helps us to strengthen our muscles.
  • Its high concentration of polyphenols is superior to that of green tea. Despite being a little more expensive, it is, without a doubt, much healthier.
  • Another fact that we must take into account is that white tea is milder and less processed than the others. It assimilates better, is digestive and will help to achieve more muscle tone.
White tea to strengthen muscles

How to consume white tea in your breakfast?

  • Have a cup each morning with your breakfast. Do not add sugar: just a teaspoon of honey is enough.

5. Dried fruits: walnuts, almonds, pistachios…

Eaten correctly, with balance and moderation, dried fruit will not only bring you good health, but will also help to strengthen your muscles.

  • The nuts are allies of our heart, take care of our brain and even help us fight stress.
  • All of them are excellent sources of protein capable of speeding up metabolism and helping with satiety, thus preventing us from eating between meals.
Dried fruits to strengthen muscles

How to consume nuts for breakfast?

  • Add nuts to fruits (kiwifruit, strawberries, bananas…).
  • You can combine some almonds with a little honey.
  • Dried fruits go very well with yogurt.
  • You can also consume pistachios throughout the morning. This will allow you to satiate hunger and ease stress.

In conclusion, as you already know, the key to any good breakfast is balance and the proper choice of nutrients. So, in addition to the foods described here, don’t forget to include some protein and fiber.

Strengthening muscles is not just a matter of aesthetics, it is also necessary to gain in tone and endurance on a daily basis.

It is worth it!

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