5 Foods To Avoid For Breakfast

The problem with these foods is that we are very used to including them in our breakfast, and even if they are not beneficial, they seem essential to us in the first hour of the day.

On several occasions we have already talked about the  importance of breakfast for the body. Today, on the other hand, we want to talk about the foods we should avoid at this first meal of the day.

Since this is the initial meal with the objective of bringing vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients, we must be careful with what we include for breakfast.

We may be consuming products that cause the opposite effects to the desired ones:  obesity, malnutrition and more hunger.

It is very common for many people to fill themselves with food that is devoid of nutrients or that is too heavy and that  causes a feeling of tiredness and bad mood. 

When we sleep, our bodies are technically fasting, repairing and detoxifying, but that ends the first moment we introduce the first bite of food.

Make a note of the following foods to avoid and completely eliminate them from your morning menu.

1. Foods to avoid: artificial or processed fruit juice 

industrialized fruit juice

We start with one of the most common foods that we should avoid for breakfast. We tend to see it as something common because since we were little we take it.

Confidence in these drinks is largely due to the fact that we read “vitamin-enriched” on the label.

But what we are not aware of is that they also  come loaded with a lot of sugar, artificial flavors and colorings. We already know that this is an unhealthy combination for the body.

Pasteurized juices are not well received by the body as they can increase blood sugar levels.

If you really want a fruit drink, it  ‘s best to make your own juice with just a portion of the fruit. 

We already know how little it seems, but remember that even natural juices have a lot of sugar in the form of fructose.

For something more substantial, choose vitamin intake.

2. Foods We Should Avoid: Commercial Yogurts

Yogurt is another very common food in almost every breakfast, as it is a dairy product, we think it is always healthy and nutritious, but the reality is different.

Commercial yogurt is another food that is best avoided for breakfast, because:

  • Causes the release of mucus, causing phlegm to appear.
  • Yogurt is usually loaded with sugar and artificial components.

Instead, opt for plain yogurt. You can make it at home or buy it at the supermarket, but be sure to read the label first.

Among its ingredients, it should not contain any sugar or chemicals.

If you want something with flavor,  mix a cup of plain yogurt with a serving of fruit.

3. Foods we should avoid: processed meats

All meats such as bacon, ham and sausage are harmful to health. Most of these foods are high in sodium and saturated fats.

In addition,  your digestive system has difficulty digesting them,  so they leave a feeling of tiredness and heaviness, not pleasant if you have to be active during the day.

Instead of these processed meats,  we suggest consuming chicken, eggs or any type of lean cut  accompanied by a good choice of vegetables.

4. Foods We Should Avoid: Cash Cereals

commercial cereals

This is a classic that, just like juices, advertising led us to believe that they offer energy for the whole day.

The problem is that they generate a feeling of heaviness and fatigue, so it would be good to avoid them for breakfast.

These products are rich in sugars, artificial colors and flavors. As we’ve already seen in juices, this mixture is not good for the morning.

When we combine these cereals with milk of animal origin, we get a bad combination to start the day.

It is preferable to replace this breakfast with natural and organic cereals. You can prepare oatmeal, homemade granola bar or whole grain bread.

If you want to add milk, make sure it is of vegetable origin, such as soy, almonds or coconut.

5. Foods to avoid: pancakes with maple syrup

This is a favorite of many as they are delicious, especially with maple or maple syrup and a touch of butter.

However, despite being delicious and giving a feeling of satiety, they are not worth breakfast.

The batter the pancakes are made from is rich in refined flour and contains a lot of sugar, so it will make you feel sluggish for a few hours after eating them.

  • If the idea of ​​completely eliminating them from your life doesn’t sound good,  substitute oatmeal for commercial flour. 
  • With regard to candy, try replacing it with pieces of fruit as part of the dough.

We are not saying that you should never eat any of these foods again, but that it is advisable to try to maintain a balanced diet.

You can consume these products at most once a week. The rest of the days, follow a healthy diet without these foods.

We know that living healthy can be more difficult, but it is rewarding.

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