5 Exercises To Shape And Tone Your Thighs At Home

To improve body composition, there are two elements that must necessarily be combined: nutrition and exercise. Next, we’ll delve into this topic and find out how it affects the thigh area.
5 exercises to shape and tone your thighs at home

Many people want to have toned thighs to show off a slimmer figure. Although there are many habits that help to strengthen them, it is essential to adopt an exercise plan to shape and tone your thighs.

This part of the body tends to be problematic due to excessive accumulation of fat. Exercising not only makes them thinner, it also helps prevent cellulite, sagging and other health and cosmetic problems.

Learn to shape and tone your thighs without leaving the house

Many people believe that they only get results at the gym and, claiming lack of time, exclude these activities from their routine. The truth is that there are many exercises that can be done at home, and there is no need to invest a lot or resort to expensive machines. Check out some options!

1. Classic Squat

The squat is one of the best exercises for fully working your entire lower body. This exercise not only strengthens your thigh muscles, it also tightens your buttocks and helps increase leg strength.

In addition, the benefits of squatting even extend to the bone level. According to a study published in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise , this movement improves the stability of the knee and strengthens the muscles surrounding this joint, the hips and ankles.

It’s very easy to learn how to do the squat technique:

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands in front of your body or behind your head.
  • Begin to squat down as if you were going to sit up, keeping your abdomen tight.
  • When lowering your buttocks, avoid allowing your knees to go beyond the line of your toes.
  • Go up again to complete a rep.
  • If you want to increase the intensity, do the movement by holding dumbbells or any type of weight.

2. Sumo Squat for Adductors

The adductor muscles are located on the inner side of the thighs

  • Stand with your hands on your hips and spread your legs as far as possible so that your toes are facing outward.
  • In this position, while bending your back, bend your legs and lower to form a 90-degree angle with your knees.
  • Contract your glutes, hold for a few seconds, then return to starting position.

3. Bridge

The bridge is useful for scoliosis and can be performed at home.

This classic exercise strengthens the hamstring muscles that are located at the back of your thighs. Arguably, it is ideal for shaping and toning the thighs and hips.

In addition, the bridge improves the stability of the spine, as it strengthens the muscles of the middle region and the back, according to a recent study published by the Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy . Your technique is quite simple:

  • Lie face up on a mat or exercise mat.
  • Place your hands at your sides and bend your knees.
  • Lift your hips toward the ceiling, making sure to contract your buttocks, thighs, and abdomen.
  • hold the pose for 5 seconds and return to the floor with a slow movement.
  • If you like, put a little weight on your belly to increase the difficulty level.

4. Side lift

The Lateral Leg Lift exercise is very convenient for working the muscles on the outside of your thighs and hips. You can do it as follows:

  • Lie on your side with one arm under your body and the other over your waist.
  • Place one foot over the other and keep your legs straight.
  • In this pose, lift your upper leg toward the ceiling until you feel light pressure on your hips.
  • Lower your leg without resting it on the other and raise it again.
  • After completing the desired reps on one side, turn around and perform the exercise with the other leg.

5. Stiff

The stiff is an exercise with interesting benefits for the muscles of the back and lower body.

The stiff is one of the basic exercises to strengthen muscles. According to a study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research , its main objective is to improve the strength and power of the lower limbs and the erector spine muscle.

Its execution requires a well-cut technique, otherwise considerable injuries can occur. To get it right, carefully follow these steps:

  • Stand up straight and hold dumbbells or a barbell with your arms straight down.
  • Spread your feet slightly and bend your knees slightly.
  • Tilt your chest forward as if you wanted to touch the floor with the dumbbells.
  • Be sure to keep your back straight and, without losing the starting position of the legs, return to the starting position.
  • As you gain strength, add more weight.

Plan a routine to shape and tone your thighs

Regarding the repetitions and sets of the proposed exercises, it is necessary to clarify that this factor depends on the physical condition of each person. Therefore, it is advisable to perform two or three sets of as many repetitions as possible and gradually increase the amount as resistance and technique improve.

As you may have noticed, there are several exercises you can do at home. Spend a few minutes on this simple routine and discover how these activities are good for shaping and toning your thighs. And don’t forget to take care of other habits!

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