5 Exercises To Improve Memory

Exercises to improve memory help us to better fix concepts and increase our ability to concentrate. In this way we will make the brain stay young longer.
5 exercises to improve memory

Although we think that only our body should be exercised, the truth is that we have forgotten that we should also train our memory. If we want to increase concentration and fix concepts better, it is necessary to find some exercises to improve memory.

Exercises to improve memory help us to have an active mind. Over time, we can stop learning, reading, acquiring knowledge… In short, we stop making our memory face challenges with which to exercise.

For this reason, the 5 exercises to improve memory that will be explained below will help us to have a much more agile mind and to stay young for much longer. Come on!

1. Make daily revisions to improve memory

Remember when you reviewed your school material before going to bed or the day before an exam? Well, this was an excellent exercise to improve memory. However, with the passage of time and finishing studies and work, we stopped doing revisions.

To perform this exercise, it is not necessary that we are learning something. When night comes, just reviewing everything we did during the day, what happened to us or what we ate, will be enough.

Bridget Jones

Often  keeping a diary invites us to do this every day.  While it seems useless, doing a daily review of what you’ve experienced in an entire day is an excellent exercise to improve memory.

2. Create mind maps

How is your spatial memory? Many people have difficulty getting to places or finding their way around. If this is the case for you, creating mind maps can be an excellent exercise in improving your memory in this regard.

The best way to do this is,  every time you visit a new place, when you get home, try to create a map by drawing it.  This will increase your memory, but not just spatial memory, but visual memory as well. Something fantastic you will enjoy.

3. Use your non-dominant hand

Are you right-handed or left-handed? One of the most fun exercises to improve memory is to do everything we normally do using our non-dominant hand. For example, if you are right handed and write or brush your teeth with your right hand, try doing it with your left hand.

Certainly, in the beginning, you will notice some resistance. It’s normal. It will take some effort to use the hand we don’t normally work with.  However, this is very positive. Our mind will be working and exercising.

4. Change your routine

Although it sounds silly, changing the routine of what we normally do is an alert to our memory. Instead of using the elevator, try going down the stairs. Instead of following the same path to work, try another path.

This will improve our attention span and keep the mind alert. Something positive as you’ll find new elements. When we do something routine, we forget to notice our surroundings.

people climbing stairs at work

If, for example, we choose a new way to go to work, we will have to make an effort to think about how we will get to work and orient ourselves so as not to get lost. Also, when we get home, we can combine this with creating a mind map that will also help our mind.

5. Learn something everyday

The last of the exercises to improve memory does not imply that we have to start a course to learn something. In our daily life,  there are many things that can help us learn something new every day.

For example, we can try to learn a new head phone number or the address of a friend that we always have to ask because he never gets into our heads. All these learnings, in addition to helping memory, will make our lives much easier.

Have you ever done any of these exercises to improve memory? Which one seemed most helpful to you? There are many other exercises such as doing sudokus or using certain apps  that also help keep your memory active.

Remember that exercise can make a big difference between forgetting things easily or not. Exercise, whether physical or mental, always has its benefits. How about trying it out?

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