4 Techniques For Not Grinding Your Teeth

Do you wake up with jaw pain? Do you have brittle or brittle teeth? You may be suffering from bruxism. Know more!

Bruxism is characterized by too much clenching of teeth or jaws and making noise. In most cases, it occurs at night and can cause a lot of problems and pain, even breaking teeth and bruises. In this article you will learn about the best techniques for not grinding your teeth.

What to know about bruxism?

Having healthy teeth without grinding them

As we said before, bruxism appears when a person presses his upper teeth against his lower teeth too much, or when he makes them grind by rubbing or sliding them against each other.

It is a bad habit or tic, similar to biting your lips or biting your nails. It is an unconscious and involuntary act, that is, one that we don’t notice until someone notices us or when we get hurt.

It is very likely that the intensity of bruxism increases during the night while we sleep. In the morning, it is very common to feel a lot of pain in the jaws or gums and there may even be cases of people with teeth broken by friction and pressure.

What are the most frequent causes of bruxism?

They are diverse and all of them have to do with emotions and psychological aspects. Check it out below:


A person accumulates a great deal of stress over several days, weeks or even months. So she has to release it somehow. In this case, with grinding your teeth or pressing hard on your jaws.


Anxious woman can grind her teeth


Faced with certain moments in life, such as marriage, the birth of a child, a move, a trip… I mean, when we are anxious for something to happen, it is more likely that we will release tensions by grinding our teeth together.

control of emotions

If the person is introverted, has family problems, has been taught not to say what he feels or thinks, is under a lot of pressure, cannot talk openly with family members or has to control himself a lot not to say what happens to him, he can unless you suffer from bruxism at night.

mental exhaustion

In times of exams at university, balance sheets in companies or a lot of intellectual and mental work, as well as many activities during the day, cases of bruxism tend to increase.

What are the consequences of grinding your teeth?

grinding teeth is a problem

Some of the effects produced by bruxism are as follows:

  • Toothache when the pressure is too strong.
  • Pain in the neck or back of the neck because when grinding the teeth the tension expands and the posture is inadequate.

  • Problems in the temporomandibular joint, which causes, on the other hand, earaches.
  • Wear on the teeth, making them weaker and more sensitive, causing decay, falling teeth, gingivitis, among others.
  • Jaw pain or swelling.
  • Insomnia due to pain in the mouth area or the level of stress reached.

How to treat bruxism?

Woman eating a cherry because she doesn't grind her teeth

Eliminate the pressures

First, you need to release accumulated tensions in a healthy way. Stress and nervousness have to be eliminated before bed. Emotional control is very important too.

So, look for a way to get rid of everything that makes you stressful, bad or depresses you. It could be playing sports, skipping overtime, or ending a university course. All for your health.

On the other hand, if the problem is emotional because you have all your feelings, it’s good to start saying what happens to you. The outburst can be in front of the mirror, with a friend or a psychologist.

The important thing is that you let it flow. Maybe find a solution talking about the subject. Don’t be silent if you don’t have to. Don’t let the words get stuck in your throat, because afterward it’s you who will suffer.

Do exercise

woman doing exercise

This is an excellent way to release tension and eliminate stress that can cause you to grind your teeth or clench your jaw while you sleep. Some people suggest that the best way is with high-intensity sports like boxing, kickboxing, spinning, or marathon. Others will opt for more relaxed disciplines like yoga, Pilates or swimming.

If you don’t have a lot of free time, at least go for a walk every day, dance in your house or take the stairs instead of using the elevator. You will feel more relaxed and no longer suffer from bruxism.

Reduce consumption of certain foods

What you eat can influence stress and anxiety. The following foods are not good for your health, especially if you are very upset and suffer from bruxism:

  • Refined sugar
  • the soft drinks
  • the fries
  • fast food
  • The coffee
  • The chocolate
  • the vinegar
  • canned juices

Also, most of them damage your teeth because they weaken the enamel. On the contrary, fruits and vegetables (raw) are excellent to nourish, satiate the appetite and avoid foods that do not benefit you at all. Try drinking smoothies and juices several times a day. Choose lettuce and apples for dinner.

Drink infusions that soothe

Infusions to keep your teeth from grinding

You can drink them at any time of the day, especially an hour or two before bed. The most relaxing herbs are:

  • Passionflower
  • Anise
  • Mint
  • Chamomile
  • orange flower

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