4 Keys For A Marine Decoration

Marine decor never goes out of style. It has the advantage of being a relaxed, nostalgic, pleasant and very welcoming style. Next, we’ll look at four keys to perfect marine decor.
4 keys for a marine decor

As summer approaches, marine decor, also known as nautical decor, starts to come into play. You will  not need to go to the beach to be surrounded by accessories and details that remind you of the sea. Blue and white walls, vases, pillows and all kinds of marine accessories are welcome.

This type of decoration has the advantage of being  relaxed, nostalgic, pleasant and very welcoming. Next, we’ll look at four keys to perfect marine decor.

Aspects for a marine decoration

The color

blue and white stripes

Firstly, blue and white are the emblematic colors of marine decor. So then, blue can be used in all its shades: from light blue to indigo. This color transports us to the calm and peaceful world of the sea. White can be broken ice, white sand or just white.

Although these two colors are the queens of the marine style, there are also others that adapt very well to this type of decoration. For example, you can use the color of cedar, haze green, gray or even some shades of red. Each person must choose and match these colors according to their preferences and depending on the style they want to achieve.

In addition, colors should not only be present in furniture, fabrics and decorative accessories. Walls are also a fundamental part of a marine environment. Painting the walls with these tones will make the spaces transmit the tranquility, spaciousness and cleanliness of the sea.

The materials in a marine decoration

For a perfect maritime decor, it is also necessary to take into account the materials that will be used. Wood is, without a doubt, the one that best reflects life at sea. Furthermore, wood is a very welcoming material that will help us to create a very cozy atmosphere.

Light colors are preferred for this type of decoration. Wood painted white is undoubtedly the best option. Wood must also be present in chairs, tables and, in general, in all furniture.

Decorative objects

decorative elements

All the details that can contribute to the thematic decorative level are essential to  create a marine environment.  You can find countless objects  that will give the space a very special touch.

Sailor knots, ship anchors, boats, fish, shells and starfish are most welcome. With these accessories; space will be transported immediately to the sea world.

As for furniture textiles, pillows, rugs, tablecloths, napkins, etc.; stripes are, without a doubt, the main touch par excellence. And, of course, the favorite colors are blue and white. The dinnerware may also have striped details of these two colors.

Other decorative accessories such as vases, candles, lamps  should also be part of this game. You should choose objects in the same shades of blue and white or incorporate natural materials linked to the sea world, such as shells or ropes.

If you want to add a collector’s touch or more sophisticated, you can also add items such as telescopes, lifeguards, astrolabes and other marine accessories.

It will be even better if these objects have already been used before, in fact, if they are a little worn out the decoration will look much better. It is possible to buy leftover accessories at all kinds of antiques, crafts, used objects, different online pages , etc.

Natural light should be abundant

Finally, light is an essential theme in marine decor. A space that evokes the marine world must be full of light. When we think of the sea, we immediately do so in an open environment, with lots of natural light and lots of sun.

For spaces with maritime decor to be perfect,  they need to have as much natural light as possible. The ideal is to allow the sun and light to enter massively, with a lot of intensity, leaving for example the curtains always open. The white color will help us to achieve this effect.

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