4 Dinners To Fight Constipation Naturally

Constipation is a very uncomfortable health problem that can lead to long-term illness if not treated correctly.

Constipation is a very uncomfortable health problem that can lead to long-term illness if not treated correctly. However, we must avoid the use of laxatives that irritate the intestines and that also end up being harmful due to the damage they cause to the bacterial flora.

In this article, we will propose to readers who suffer from this uncomfortable problem, that they solve it in the most natural ways. The dishes that we will indicate here, suitable for dinner time, are very healthy and facilitate intestinal transit. Don’t forget to try!

Why dinners?

Dinners are especially important for combating constipation, and this is very easy to prove.

The liver is closely related to the intestine, while dinner is the meal that most influences the liver, an organ that regenerates in the early hours of the night.

So if we eat a light dinner and do it early, we are taking a very positive step towards combating constipation.

And if, in addition, we choose foods that are favorable for the proper functioning of the liver and intestine, no doubt the next morning we will notice the benefits.

1. Baked eggplants with tomato and mozzarella

Eggplant, in addition to having a delicious taste, is a vegetable rich in cellulose, a component that strengthens intestinal transit. Furthermore, thanks to its high water content, it is a food that greatly satisfies hunger and is beneficial in cases of hypertension and high cholesterol.

A healthy, light and simple way to prepare eggplant is in the oven, but beforehand it must be left to rest in water and salt for at least an hour.

To make this recipe even more succulent, we propose to combine it with crushed tomatoes and a little mozzarella. A thin layer of cheese is enough to make the dish irresistible.

We suggest seasoning with oregano and basil.

2. Pumpkin cream with seeds

Pumpkin is very rich in fiber and also helps us to eliminate excess fluid in our body, so it is the ideal option for those who tend to feel bloating, both because of constipation and fluid retention.

The classic pumpkin recipe consists of preparing a cream, as its thick and consistent texture allows us to prepare this simple dish in a short time.

We can add a dash of olive oil and a little sea water, two ingredients that also improve the function of the liver and intestines.

Finally, we also propose to add some pumpkin seeds to the cream, not only because they are very nutritious, but also because they are an excellent remedy to prevent and fight intestinal parasites, which can also cause constipation.

3. Cream of avocado with flax seeds to fight constipation

There are days when we feel like cooking at night, but that’s not why we should stop eating healthy.

A quick and appetizing option is to prepare an avocado cream, as if it were a guacamole, but with a milder flavor and suitable for the night time.

Avocados are rich in protein, vitamins, essential fatty acids and soluble and insoluble fiber, nutrients that promote intestinal mobility.

To prepare this cream, simply mash the avocado with a fork and add some spices, such as pounded or powdered garlic, olive oil, apple cider vinegar and a little salt.

Also add some flaxseeds, which are an ancient remedy for constipation sufferers. Accompany this cream with whole grain bread or brown rice tartlets.

4. Zucchini stuffed with brown rice

Zucchini is a vegetable rich in mucilage, a type of fiber with emollient (soft) properties on the apparatus that helps to deflate the mucous membranes that are so easily affected by poor nutrition.

It also has mild laxative effects, so it is ideal for treating constipation and for people who generally suffer from digestive disorders.

In this recipe we propose to use a variety of zucchini that is rounder, although it is also possible to use the longer variety, cutting it crosswise.

The first thing to do is empty the zucchinis and fill them with brown rice, a very nutritious cereal rich in minerals and fiber that will make this dish a very balanced dinner.

Finally, we suggest you season it with some homemade sauce.

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