3 Masks To Relax The Eyes And Eliminate Dark Circles

Excessive production of melanin and dilation in capillaries cause a dark tint to the skin under the eyes.
3 masks to relax the eyes and eliminate dark circles

Want to know how to get rid of tired eyes and fight dark circles? Don’t miss the tips we’ve collected in this article.

The skin around the eyes is very thin.  It measures about 0.3 to 0.8 mm thick and has barely any sebaceous glands. However, over the years, chemicals and excess wear it out and it takes on a darker hue.

Dark circles appear when there is an obstruction in the collagen and elastin fibers, that is, the skin begins to reduce these two substances causing changes in color.


  • People with a genetic background are more likely to have dark circles.
  • Respiratory illnesses such as asthma, sinusitis or allergies can irritate the skin, causing blood to pool under the eyes.
  • When a person has circulation problems, the blood vessels tend to dilate and the skin becomes thinner.
  • Dark skin accumulates more pigment under the eyes.
  • Likewise, when there are hormonal irregularities, fluid accumulation or pregnancy, dark circles may appear.

Risk factors

How to prevent dark circles?
  • Stress: the person loses elasticity and the ability to regenerate the skin.
  • Constipation: Bowel irregularity is a symptom that the body is not consuming the necessary fluids and fiber.
  • Dehydration:  occurs when the body is not well hydrated and exposed to high temperatures.
  • Iron Deficiency: This element is essential for the production of hemoglobin, which is responsible for oxygenating cells.
  • Smoking: Tobacco not only accelerates aging, it alters skin tone and reduces collagen production.

Pay attention to the following natural masks:

Masks to fight dark circles

1. apple

Apples are rich in antioxidants, which allow cells to regenerate, hydrate the area, and reduce pigmentation under the eyes.


  • 1 apple
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • First put the water on the fire. When it boils, add the apple.
  • Then take the apple and with the help of a fork, crush until you get a paste.
  • Let cool.

Application mode

  • Rinse your face thoroughly and when it is slightly damp, apply the paste evenly under your eyes.
  • Do this with a gentle circular massage.
  • Wait 5 minutes.
  • Finally, rinse.

2. Carrot oil and olive oil

Carrot oil and olive oil

Carrots contain a high concentration of beta-carotene and antioxidants. This means that it  works as a protective layer against attacks caused by the sun. Meanwhile, olive oil hydrates and restores the skin’s radiance.


  • 1 carrot
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil (15 grams)


  • To start, peel and grate the carrots.
  • Place in a blender and add the oil.
  • Beat until you get a homogeneous paste.

Application mode

  • Wash your face well and apply the paste on dark circles.
  • Leave on for 20 minutes.
  • Finally, rinse with cold water.

3. Avocado and almond oil

Avocado and almond oil

Avocado slows down aging and  beautifies the skin, as it restores tissue and provides hydration to the area. In turn, almond oil has fatty acids that fight dark circles.


  • avocado pulp
  • 6 drops of almond oil


  • First, place the avocado in a bowl and mash to create a paste.
  • Then add the 6 drops of almond oil.
  • Beat the two ingredients together until well incorporated.

Application mode

  • Wash your face and apply the mixture under your eyes.
  • Let it act for 10 minutes.
  • Finally, rinse.

Other tips to fight dark circles

  • Remove makeup and wash eyelids before bed.
  • Use a special moisturizer for eye areas in the morning and at night.
  • Use sunscreen every day.
  • Try to sleep on your back to drain fluids.
  • Do physical activity to have good circulation.
  • Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables  to avoid fluid retention.
  • Reduce your salt intake
  • Avoid stressful situations because cortisol causes poor blood clotting.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of water a day to maintain good hydration.

Did you like these masks to fight dark circles? Remember that they are not just a cosmetic issue, your body is telling you that something is wrong, and you need to pay attention to avoid serious consequences.

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