3 Carrot Remedies To Fight Diarrhea

Are you suffering from diarrhea? Do you have frequent diarrhea episodes? These three carrot-based remedies could be the solution to your problems.
3 Carrot Remedies to Fight Diarrhea

Carrot is a vegetable very rich in beta-carotene. Many understand the importance of including it in their diet, but few know that carrots also help fight diarrhea. Today, you will learn about 3 remedies that are based on this ingredient and that will help you feel better.

One of the big reasons carrot remedies are recommended for diarrhea is because they are astringent. This is stated in the article ‘ Beliefs and knowledge of a group of physicians about managing the diet of children with acute diarrhea’ .

Therefore, carrot remedies to combat the diarrhea are an excellent natural choice, both for children and  for  adults. Let’s look at some ways to increase your consumption when we are suffering from this condition.

Carrot-based medicines to fight diarrhea

Diarrhea is one of the most frequent intestinal disorders , as pointed out in the article Acute diarrhea . It causes very painful cramps and a constant need to go to the bathroom, which can affect us a lot if we have to go to work or attend an event.

man with tummy ache
Diarrhea is accompanied by abdominal discomfort and dehydration. These carrot remedies help to minimize these symptoms.

Next, we’ll introduce three carrot remedies that are astringent and will help us reduce diarrhea and feel much better as quickly as possible. Choose the one that best suits your current circumstances.

1. Raw carrot

Raw carrots are an excellent remedy for treating  diarrhea , especially if you have to go to work or be away from home. You can carry a carrot in your backpack or tupperware without a problem. Consider the following points:

  • Take the peeled carrot: this way you’ll avoid the hassle of peeling it.
  • Cut it into sticks: a comfortable option for consuming carrots outside the home.

If you’re having lunch away from home, you can bring a small tupperware with salad and raw carrots. Other foods that also have an astringent action are rice and chicken. Don’t hesitate to use them to complement your carrot-based meal.

2. Carrot soup

Carrot soup is an excellent way to fight  diarrhea . This hot dish tends to go down very well for alleviating the discomfort caused by this unpleasant bowel condition. Next, we’ll see how to prepare it.


  • 8 carrots
  • 2 onions
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 1 liter of water
  • Olive oil
  • salt
  • Scallion

Method of preparation

  • Place a pan on the fire and add a drizzle of oil.
  • Add the chopped onions and whole garlic cloves.
  • Don’t forget to add the chopped carrots.
  • Leave on fire for an average of 10 minutes before adding water.
  • Keep the recipe on fire for 20 minutes.
  • After that time, remove the garlic cloves (if you like) and beat everything.
  • To finish, add the chives and drink the soup very hot.
Carrot soup
Carrot soup is one of the natural remedies that help fight diarrhea. Its consumption helps to replenish fluids and minerals in the body.

3. Carrot juice

If it’s the middle of summer and soup doesn’t seem like a good idea, you can choose to make some juice. Also, don’t forget the first option we presented above (the raw carrot), as it is very interesting on hot days.

To make carrot juice, you will only need to add 5 chopped carrots and half a liter of water to a blender. If desired, you can also add a little honey to make the juice taste much sweeter and more delicious.

You can add more water if you prefer a more watery juice. It is also possible to add some fruit to the juice, such as an apple,  which, like carrots, has astringent properties.

Recommendations when using carrots to fight diarrhea

It’s a good idea to consume these carrot remedies before opting for commercial medications or other less natural alternatives. However, if the diarrhea doesn’t improve, don’t hesitate to see a doctor right away.

Remember that diarrhea dehydrates. That’s why, in addition to the carrot remedies we’ve discussed here, it ‘s important to always have a bottle of water handy. If this condition lasts longer than two or three days, you should see your doctor.

Have you ever used carrots to treat diarrhea? Did you know it had astringent properties? In this article, we reveal other foods that also contain them. So take advantage of the benefits they offer.

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