3 Breakfast Options To Reduce Tummy

In order not to gain weight with breakfast, get all the necessary energy and, in addition, lose measures, it is essential to include a little fruit, fiber and protein.
3 breakfast options to reduce tummy

Is it possible to start losing fat already at breakfast ? Of  course yes. But for this it is necessary to maintain an adequate diet along with healthier lifestyle habits.

In this article we present three delicious breakfast options for your belly-reducing goal.

Rules for a proper breakfast

Rules for a proper breakfast

One of the most critical areas of our body is, without a doubt, the abdomen. Quite bulky, with a shape that is often displeasing when wearing something tighter.

Can this be fixed? Of course. Exercise always helps. However, it is also essential to take care of your diet with a nutritious diet, ingesting essential vitamins and minerals, and avoiding the consumption of harmful fats.

For this it is necessary to follow some rules:

1. Never forget to have breakfast

Many people think that when it comes to losing weight and reducing belly fat, it’s best to take breakfast out of the diet. It does not work. On the contrary, we will fall into a serious mistake that can affect our health.

Thus, leaving home with few nutrients can cause dizziness and headaches and a lack of energy to start the day. It will also slow down the metabolism, causing the body to store fat instead of burning it.

2. Include a detoxifying juice, fruits, proteins and whole grains

Our goal is to set a rhythm to our metabolism, forcing it to work with more adequate nutrients, thus promoting greater satiety and avoiding the need to “snap” between meals.

3. It is recommended to consume 350 calories for breakfast

When you get up, first drink some detoxifying juice and then wait about half an hour to 40 minutes for your full coffee.

A tip: in the meantime, you can take a shower or get ready. It will take a little longer, but it will be well worth it.

Breakfast options to reduce tummy

Option 1

Lemon juice for breakfast can help you reduce tummy
  • Juice of a lemon with a glass of water.
  • 40 minutes later a green apple.
  • A bowl of oatmeal with few grapes.
  • A green tea.

As you already know, the ideal is to start the day with lemon juice with natural water. This mixture will help cleanse the body and provide an optimal level of antioxidants.

Then eat a healthy green apple, whose nutrients allow us to lower blood sugar and burn fat. It’s great for losing volume in the abdominal region.

Oats and green tea are the perfect components to include in any weight-loss diet. This way it will be easy to reduce the belly!

Option #2

An infusion of cayenne pepper can help you reduce your tummy
  • An infusion of cayenne pepper with honey.
  • 40 minutes later, a small wholemeal sandwich with a sliced ​​hard-boiled egg and thin slices of turkey breast.
  • Grapefruit juice.

Including cayenne pepper may surprise you, but an infusion with this spice and honey is the best way to speed up our body and force it to work to burn fat, and it is very effective and recommended.

Including a whole grain bread sandwich and some types of whole grains in your weight-loss diet is a great indication, and the same goes for a hard-boiled egg.

In this way, we will achieve a diet rich in proteins that will cause a greater feeling of satiety. In fact, a study published in Nutrition Research  showed that people who eat eggs for breakfast are less likely to snack between meals, something that is critical to a weight-loss diet.

Finishing off with grapefruit juice, or even orange juice, is also a great choice as it provides vitamins and helps us burn fat.

Option #3

Strawberry juice for breakfast can help you reduce tummy
  • A detoxifying drink with strawberry juice.
  • 40 minutes later, a Greek yogurt with oatmeal.
  • Whole oat toast with a few drops of olive oil.

Did you know that a strawberry drink is an excellent way to lose weight? This natural treasure of antioxidants acts as a great detoxifier, helping to eliminate what is not needed by our bodies.

What we can do is blend 5 strawberries in a blender together with a glass of water. The ideal is to drink this drink without adding sugar.

Then we have a Greek yogurt, which may surprise you, but it’s great for weight reduction. It is rich in probiotics, gives us greater satiety, has fewer calories and less lactose than regular yogurt.

Finishing off with wholegrain toast and a few drops of olive oil will make your breakfast perfect. Thus, you will be ingesting nutrients, helping to clean the body and helping to speed up the metabolism so that you burn fat in the abdomen region.

To complete

Don’t skip your breakfast. Start with a drink that helps with cleansing the body, such as a glass of water with a little aloe vera dissolved in it. Also, don’t forget to include some fruit, fiber and some protein. This will do you a lot of good and will also help you reduce your belly.

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