21 Ways To Lose 500 Calories A Day

Choose to serve dishes in the kitchen and not take the pan to the table. That way you’ll avoid serving a second course.

If you can’t reach your goal regarding your weight-loss diets, it’s because your habits haven’t changed enough. Read this article as we’ll tell you about 21 ways to reduce up to 500 calories a day. It’s not impossible and it’s worth a try!

How to lose 500 calories a day?

be on the move

Don’t sit in front of your computer or television all day. While talking on a cell phone, for example, walk around the room or office, move your legs and feet in time to a song in your head, all in favor of movement.

Do not consume dried fruit

Especially if they are in a large container. According to some studies, the larger the portion, the more you eat. Although walnuts are good for the heart, they have a lot of calories (a handful contains 175 calories). If you like a lot of these fruits, opt for pistachios, as the same amount has 80 calories.

Fruits that reduce calories

Not eating in front of the television helps reduce calories

According to one study, this habit causes us to eat 300 more calories because we are not paying attention to what we eat. Instead, sit at the table to eat without the television on and in a place where you won’t be looking at it.

Isn’t salad one of the healthiest foods? Yes, but with a few exceptions. If we add pieces of ham or cheese, bacon, nuts, vinaigrette, mayonnaise, fried foods, etc., it can increase the weight a lot. Four ingredients are more than enough.

Use smaller dishes to cut calories

Use dishes that are smaller in size than you are used to. This will put less food on it. If you were brought up to “eat everything on your plate”, this change will help you to eat a lot less.

Use smaller dishes to cut calories

Prefer the express

The sizes of coffee sold today in cafeterias are excessively large. A cup can contain up to 670 calories if we add whipped cream or chocolate.

make small snacks

If you like French fries and cookies, it is not that they are strictly prohibited, you can consume a serving of 5 units and keep the package. Do not put them in a large container, as you will end up eating them all because they are very addictive and delicious foods.

Serve off the table to avoid calories

Previously, families sat in front of a large platter of pasta and meat. This makes us want to serve ourselves over and over again. On the contrary, if you choose to serve yourself in the kitchen, you will reduce your desire to continue eating.

Serve off the table to avoid calories

Say “no” to cocktails

Just one cup contains syrups, creamy additions, canned juices and sugars. That’s almost 800 calories. Avoid drinks of this type and prefer natural juices or drinks that contain citrus.

eat less pasta

Just one dish (without sauce) has 220 calories. However, if we add “flavor”, that value can quintuplicate. Prefer, for example, wholemeal spaghetti.

invite fewer people

If you eat with more than seven people, your portion will undoubtedly be larger. This happens because, when we wait for a lot of people at home, we prepare twice or triple what we are used to, thinking that nothing can be missing.

eating with fewer people can help you lose calories

do not clean the dish

A weight loss expert says we have to leave 25% of the plate full. Leftovers can be turned into dog food or even the next day’s lunch.

place small orders

In fast food restaurants , for example, we are given the option of combos and this is bad for our health. The same is true in some restaurants. A serving with French fries or dessert can add a lot of calories to our meal.

Abandon the Beats to Lose Calories

They are delicious and refreshing in summer, but also very caloric. A large glass of banana, milk and sugar has at least 800 calories. Opt for fruit juice.

Abandon the Beats to Lose Calories 

Pay attention to hidden oils

The best option is to prepare our meal with water or broth and prepare it with oil, as each scoop can contain 124 calories.

Sleep well

People who sleep less than 7 hours a day eat more, according to a recent study. If you don’t take a nap, a little nap, for example, can make you fat; since when we sleep, we save 100 calories.

Host at get-togethers

The task of going to the supermarket, cooking, cleaning, setting the table, etc; makes us consume a lot of calories. So, inviting people to your house is an excellent idea to “allow yourself” to eat ice cream for dessert.

Tips to lose calories

say no to soft drinks

A glass of sugary drink has almost 200 calories. If you drink two or three, you’re going overboard. Nothing better than water to quench your thirst.

“Fill” with less

It is possible to trick your stomach into eating less. For example, before lunch or dinner, drink a cup of low-calorie broth and then eat a meal with less food.

pay attention to signs

The stomach “notices” when it is already full. It’s good to hear this warning. Instead of looking at your plate, listen to your body first. He can tell you when it’s time to stop.

Choose sugar-free drinks to lose calories

Even though you are drinking tea, if you add several tablespoons of sugar, you will gain weight. Opt for other natural sweeteners like stevia or learn to add less and less sugar to your infusions.

Choose sugar-free drinks to lose calories

Images courtesy of: Quinn Dombrowski, Iain Buchanan, Clemens v Vogelsan, Bev sykes, midiman, Josep Ma Rosell, Matt, Selina.

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