18 Signs That Your Liver Is Not Doing Well

Abusing medications or taking them for a long time can cause problems with the normal functioning of the liver. We should drink plenty of water to help clean it.
18 Signs That May Indicate Your Liver Is Not Well

The liver is an organ that performs several fundamental functions in our body, such as detoxification, fighting infections, storing vitamins and energy, and segregating bile, a substance that participates in the digestive activity. Therefore, it is essential to take care of this organ. In this article, we’ll talk about the signs that your liver is not doing well.

There are several reasons why the liver fails to work effectively and efficiently, and in many occasions this is due to excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, illness or poor hygiene in food intake.

Therefore, it is important to consider that the liver can suffer attacks both from external elements and from the immune system itself, which culminate in infections and various health problems. Therefore, it is essential to know the signs that your liver is not well. Below, we will introduce some of them.

18 signs that show that the liver is not well

  • If you take too many medications or a large dose of the same medicine, you run the risk of developing liver problems.
  • Another important point in the development of diseases in this organ is the consumption of the same medication for long periods of time.
  • Regular consumption of more than five alcoholic drinks daily can lead to liver problems.
  • Family inheritance of liver diseases.
  • Consumption of heart or diabetes medications.
  • Poor digestion, abdominal pain, constipation.
  • Nausea, especially after consuming fatty foods.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Bad breath or tongue with presence of white spots.
  • Mood swings, depression and bad memory. This is due to the fact that the malfunction of the liver does not allow the body to detoxify and these toxics reach the brain through the blood, affecting its functioning.
  • Fever, skin infections and asthma.
  • High tension.
  • Fluid retention.
  • Headaches.
  • Unstable blood sugar level.
  • Diseases and development of kidney stones in the gallbladder.
  • High body temperature.
  • Low tolerance to some medications, such as antibiotics.

Symptoms that arise in people whose liver is not well

signs that the liver is not well

  • Change in the color of the skin and eyes, which acquire a yellowish hue.
  • Abdominal pain and swelling.
  • Skin sensitivity (irritability, itching, inflammation).
  • Loss of appetite, nausea, chronic fatigue.

When we present any sign or symptom mentioned, we should go to a doctor for an evaluation and eliminate from our diet alcoholic beverages, soda, spicy foods, sausages and fried foods.

It is necessary to follow the dietary measures and parameters stipulated by the physician in order to prevent any disease from interfering with the functioning of the body.

People with a higher risk of having liver disease are those who suffer from diseases such as diabetes, who frequently consume alcoholic beverages, work with toxic chemicals or in laboratories that handle blood, viruses or bacteria, as well as people with obesity and tattoos ( due to the use of non-sterile needles).

Other Signs That Your Liver Is Not Well

Personal health is an individual responsibility, so it is important to listen to the warnings and alerts that the body presents to us. For example, we must eat when we feel hungry, otherwise we must not force the body to receive food.

Instead, we can nourish it with a natural juice, a fruit, or a glass of water. If we force the body to receive food without a real need for it, the liver overworks and runs the risk of getting sick.

It is advisable to drink mineral water in an amount of eight to twelve glasses daily, as it offers the benefit of detoxifying the liver and cleansing the kidneys. We should also avoid consuming large amounts of sugar, as the liver is in charge of converting it into fat and cholesterol, affecting the proper functioning of the body.

sugar or stevia sweetener

Those who want a healthy liver should avoid the consumption of artificial sweeteners, as the body always requires a minimum level of sugar, but this level can be supplied through the consumption of fresh fruits, honey or, in other cases, natural sweeteners such as stevia.

Finally, in order not to expose the liver to infections and excessive and accelerated work, we must strive for good hygiene when preparing and consuming food and increase the consumption of vegetables, avoiding foods with pesticides or chemicals.

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