14 Foods Against Fat In The Abdomen

Green tea, in addition to reducing the ability to absorb fat, stimulates the burning of calories in the abdominal region.

With the arrival of heat and summer, many worry about being able to go to the beach or the pool without worrying about the accumulation of fat in the abdomen.

Therefore, it is vital that we maintain good nutrition throughout the year. Thus, all those foods that serve to eliminate “fat” in strategic points, such as the abdomen, are not left out.

Next, find out what are the best foods when it comes to losing abdominal fat naturally. Check out the article!

Most recommended foods to help burn fat in the abdomen

When we think about going on a diet to eliminate fat in the abdomen, the first thing that comes to our minds is to follow a strict regimen. So we don’t eat anything for hours and make a huge sacrifice. However, this type of diet never works well.

Therefore, the ideal and recommended is that we maintain a healthy diet throughout the year. Only then will the results be spectacular when summer comes.

There is no need for suffering. But, yes, that the diet is all about enjoying each thing in its own time and in the right way. The following is a list of the most effective foods when your goal is to lose abdominal fat:

Greek yogurt

It is a delicious alternative to lose weight, as it contains twice as much protein as common yoghurts. It is possible to benefit from this delicacy because the body needs twice as much effort to digest it, burning a lot of calories in the process. In turn, it’s good because it minimizes muscle loss by burning fat.

Greek Yogurt in Diet Can Help Reduce Abdominal Fat


It is a great ally in the hard work of burning the fat in the abdomen. This grain is capable of offering five grams of fiber per cup. Furthermore, it is considered a “super food” due to its high protein content.

Quinoa is rich in nutrients such as iron, selenium, zinc and vitamin E, it is an antioxidant and can be consumed with vegetables, lean proteins or nuts.


It serves to reduce appetite and add more flavor to teas and infusions or desserts. Some studies have shown that mixing ¼ of a tablespoon of cinnamon with meals serves to speed up the metabolic process of blood sugar twenty-fold, and in turn, lower blood sugar levels.


Also called chili, like cayenne pepper or red pepper, it is ideal for those who want to lose weight. This is due to its high content of vitamin C, which is superior to orange or lemon.

In addition, it is also an antioxidant, speeds up metabolism and allows us to burn fat faster. It also has capsaicin, which decreases body fluids and encourages fat cell death.

pepper is ideal for losing weight and fat

Green tea

The properties of green tea for the body are already well known, among them we can mention its effectiveness in controlling weight gain, even if it is in foods rich in fat.

This tea, taken every day, reduces our ability to absorb fat from food and, at the same time, stimulates the burning of calories and accumulated fat, especially in the abdomen.


This fruit has very few carbohydrates and is made up of 90% water. In addition, it is able to benefit diets due to its ability to act directly on weight loss due to its citric acid content.

It is advisable to eat it on an empty stomach in the morning, it will be great for people suffering from anemia, it will also regulate cholesterol and cure colds and flu. Be sure to try adding it to some salads, juices and smoothies.


It is mostly made up of water, occupying more place in the stomach and intestine, which causes the feeling of satiety and prevents us from eating more and more.

It’s also good to avoid cravings for eating, it has lots of nutrients, all low in calories. Enjoying watermelon in summer, not only as a dessert, but also between meals, will be very beneficial.

pear and apple

Both fruits have similar properties, they are rich in water and at the same time in pectin, a useful compound to detoxify the body and prevent bad cholesterol, among other things.

Pear is rich in calcium, potassium and iron, in addition to sodium in small amounts. Apple, in turn, is a diuretic, offering fiber and different amino acids.



And also raisins are great detoxifying foods, perfect to consume when we are on a diet. Among its benefits, we can mention as main the presence of vitamin B and potassium, which serve to control cholesterol. In addition, it helps to clean the body thanks to its cleansing action.

raw vegetables

Green leafy vegetables, celery, carrots and tomatoes, serve to satisfy food cravings, in addition to offering plenty of water and low calories.

Try to consume them raw once a day, so you can enjoy a large amount of vitamins, fiber, minerals and antioxidants, which are usually lost during cooking.

Green coffee

Green coffee extract helps to lose weight by modifying the metabolism, responsible for processing food. This is because it has a substance that prevents the body from absorbing the calories it gets from fats and carbohydrates.


By adding two eggs to breakfast daily, we will be able to lose several pounds. The egg makes us very satiated and prevents us from eating between meals, thus, we arrive with more energy in the middle of the day.

eggs for breakfast can help you lose weight


It is rich in complex carbohydrates, proteins and fiber, and contains a low glycemic index. In turn, it offers unsaturated fats, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, essential nutrients for muscles.

whole grain cereal

For proper nutrition, but without adding calories, a good option is to include whole grains in your diet daily. They will provide fiber, zinc, vitamin E, magnesium and vitamin B6.

These components prevent the development of disease and, in turn, allow you to reduce abdominal fat. Consume whole grains in breads, pizzas, pasta, desserts, etc.

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