10 Tricks To Fight The Heat

Although it’s hard to believe, taking a shower of cold water can make us feel even warmer, as the body raises the temperature to keep it stable. The ideal is to take a shower with warm water.
10 tricks to fight the heat

Summer is synonymous with vacations, spending a lot of time outdoors and enjoying the warm weather. If you find that sometimes the temperature gets unbearable, then this series of recommendations and tricks to help fight the heat will be useful for you.

1. Perspire and drink water

Drinking water before and after a sauna session can help reduce the risk of dehydration.

Sweating is a natural defense mechanism to regulate heat and helps the body stay cool. This cooling process is carried out by millions of sweat glands located in different regions of the body (apocrine) and in the skin (ecrine).

However, perspiring for a few hours can lead to dehydration. Therefore, it is necessary to drink water regularly to maintain the body’s balance.

To combat the heat, it is not necessary to drink large amounts of ice water. Just drink a sufficient amount of liquid, at a cool temperature. You can also wet your ears with a little fresh water every now and then, a simple trick that helps to ease the heat.

Visit this article: 9 Tips to Detoxify Your Body Naturally

2. Avoid taking a cold shower

Many people think that a good cold water bath will lower your body temperature. However, the effect produced is the activation of the organism so that it raises the temperature and does not lose heat.

So, the most suitable is to take a shower of warm water, as it is enough to lower the temperature, but it also serves so that the body does not retain the heat.

3. Wear black clothes

Fight the heat: wear black clothes

Generally, it is recommended to wear light colored clothing in the summer, as darker colors concentrate the heat.

However, it must be recognized that the human body is another source of heat. White clothes reflect the warm body temperature, but don’t let it out. Thus, the heat ends up returning to the body. On the other hand, black clothes will absorb heat.

So, the use of light or dark clothes will depend on the weather conditions.

  • In case it is windy together with the dry heat, it is more appropriate to wear black clothes.
  • The secret lies in the fact that the wind, by convection, carries away the heat absorbed by the black clothing. That’s why the ancient Bedouins crossed the desert in black clothes.
  • However, if conditions are humid heat with no wind, tighter white clothing is the best option.

4. Wear a hat

These accessories are important to protect yourself from the sun’s rays. Prefer models that are made of synthetic fibers that do not absorb sweat. In addition, they must have ventilation to allow perspiration and heat to dissipate.

5. Wear light, loose, breathable clothing

According to Maldita Ciencia experts , “dark clothes offer an advantage whenever there is a draft, no matter how light it is” and add: “dark clothes also absorb energy (heat) from the body itself and, whenever there is at least one light breeze helps to dispel it from the body”.

Therefore, many people recommend, in addition to wearing light, loose and comfortable clothes, to wear dark colored clothes, such as black.

6. Eat light meals

Consuming foods rich in vitamins and minerals will help fight heat, hydrate the body and enjoy good health. The best foods, due to their high water content, are vegetables and fruits. Here are some more recommended options:

  • Pear.
  • Apple.
  • Melon.
  • Lettuce.
  • Cucumber.
  • Tomato.
  • Broccoli.
  • Carrot.
  • Watermelon.
  • Spinach.

7. Eat something spicy

Spicy foods encourage sweating, which can help to regulate your body temperature on occasion. Now, if you don’t like spicy food or if it doesn’t even catch your eye, then it’s best to choose water-rich fruits like watermelon and cantaloupe.

8. Do not abuse beverages with caffeine, alcohol or sugar

Ice cream, soft drinks, ready-to-eat juices and even beer, instead of cooling the body, activate the loss of body fluids and, in some cases, increase the heat.

If you want, eat that delicious fruit ice cream that you love so much, but do not abuse this feature too often, it can be counterproductive for you, including your appearance.

Want to know more? Read: 9 Fruits to Hydrate Your Body Naturally

9. Refresh specific areas of the body

Applying cold compresses to areas such as the wrists, behind the knees, the back of the neck, and the back of the neck is an easy and useful option. This is because the veins and arteries are much closer to the skin.

Thus, when coming into contact with a cold water bag, the temperature of the flow and blood circulation decreases. The effect: greater freshness in the body.

As you can see, these tricks aren’t that hard to apply. So, we hope they help so that your summer is amazing and, above all, for you to enjoy the hot season. You can also check the recommendations of the Ministry of Health of Spain.

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