10 Tips To Detoxify The Lymphatic System

Fruit eaten after meals can slow down digestion, but if consumed on an empty stomach it can benefit us due to its essential enzymes and acids, which will help detoxify the lymphatic system.

We worry a lot about taking care of the heart or kidneys, but we almost never pay attention to the importance of the lymphatic system. 

This complex network of nodules and glands forms part of the circulatory system. It’s in charge of offering us immunity, purifying fat molecules and transporting proteins.

At certain times, due to factors such as stress or poor diet, waste materials can accumulate in the lymphatic system. That’s when we start to feel the most tired, and we will also be more vulnerable to illness.

Nor can we forget that a lymphatic system that is slow prevents us from losing weight quickly.

Want to know how to detoxify the lymphatic system and improve health?

1. Manage stress and your emotions in a healthy way

We can say that stress is the modern evil that makes us sick more and more. The importance of knowing how to control it  is vital.

  • Stress releases substances such as the hormone cortisol and catecholamines, which force our bodies to react, to “be alert”.
  • It increases our blood pressure, our pulse rate and the immune system, of which the lymphatic system is a part. It also accumulates white blood cells in certain structures of the nervous system, with the idea of ​​“defending” against this dangerous situation.
  • However, if stress becomes chronic, we will lose white blood cells. It takes many days to defend ourselves, to work, as our body’s immunity level decreases and we are more at risk of getting sick.

2. The importance of walking every day for the lymphatic system

Exercise to stimulate the lymphatic system

Aerobic exercises such as walking, cycling, dancing or swimming are very beneficial to improve the correct circulation and clearance of the lymphatic system.

Every physical exercise oxygenates, regulates breathing and raises defenses naturally.

3. Water with lemon juice

Water cleanses, facilitates the proper functioning of the organs and also hydrates. Now , we also need nutrients and minerals.

That’s why the every 3 days is good to take a half liters of water with the juice of half lemon. It is a highly recommended mixture to detoxify the lymphatic system, and also to get essential vitamins and minerals for the body.

Also remember never to sweeten it with sugar.

4. No fizzy drinks

The typical fizzy drinks that we like so much are one of the great enemies of the lymphatic system. These products contain preservatives, acids and chemicals that cannot be cleared quickly.

And if, in addition, we follow an incorrect diet, the body will become inflamed and become sluggish. It will stop clearing those fat lumps and reduce the number of white blood cells, which will weaken the immune system.

Avoid soft drinks or take them at specific times.

5. Yes to green color

Infusion to stimulate the lymphatic system

Say yes to all those green vegetables rich in chlorophyll, vitamin B and biochemicals, essential to cleanse the blood and detoxify the lymphatic system.

Don’t forget to include fresh, organically grown vegetables in your diet. Here are some examples:

  • Broccoli
  • Brussels sprout
  • Green pepper
  • Zucchini
  • Spinach
  • Algae
  • Cress
  • Parsley
  • Lettuce
  • celery
  • Leek

6. Consume fruit on an empty stomach

Perhaps this data has surprised you, which is why we invite you to take this information into consideration:

  • Fruit contains essential enzymes and acids that help detoxify the lymphatic system.  And we will benefit most from these properties if we consume them on an empty stomach.
  • Fruit takes half an hour to digest, so our lymphatic system will quickly begin to notice the difference.
  • If we eat fruit after meals, digestion will be a little heavier and we won’t get all those acids and enzymes.

7. Yes to oilseeds

Make a note of the daily amounts we should consume and the type of oil that is best suited to detoxify the lymphatic system (it’s not about consuming them “every day”).

  • Between 3 and 5 walnuts
  • Between 8 and 10 almonds
  • Between 15 and 20 pistachios
  • Between 8 and 10 hazelnuts
  • 15 grams of flaxseeds
  • 15 grams of sunflower seeds (without salt)
  • 15 grams of pumpkin seeds

8. Drink blueberry juice

Always sugar free, remember. Drinking a natural blueberry juice every day helps to clear the lymphatic system of fats and toxics.

However, we know it’s not always easy to get blueberry juice, so you can also prepare natural red grape or pomegranate juice.

9. Yes to natural plants

Tea to stimulate the lymphatic system

There are excellent infusions to detoxify the lymphatic system. They can be consumed for breakfast or after the main meal of the day.

Want to know which are the most suitable?

  • Ortiga infusion
  • dandelion infusion
  • garlic tea with lemon
  • Echinacea infusion

10. Yes to detox baths

Once a week it is ideal to prepare a relaxing bath. To do this, just use warm water, magnesium sulfate and lavender essential oil.

Don’t forget to use an exfoliating sponge to remove dead skin and open your skin’s pores.

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