10 Foods To Whiten Teeth Naturally

In addition to consuming these foods, to whiten your teeth and avoid oral problems, it is essential to maintain proper hygiene and brush your teeth after each meal.

There are many cosmetic treatments to whiten teeth, among which are the costly sessions at the dentist.

Likewise, the amount of elements that stain teeth is innumerable. Among them are coffee, tea, soft drinks, red wine and cigarettes.

Luckily, by eating certain fruits or vegetables you can whiten your teeth naturally and prevent disease.

This is because the nutrients these foods provide strengthen your immune system.

1. Cheese to whiten teeth

Cheese to whiten teeth

The consumption of dairy products has an important influence on health in general, especially the bone tissue.

Cheese, in addition to being a food rich in calcium, has properties that help us prevent cavities, as it regulates the pH within the oral cavity.

The ideal is to consume a piece of about 30 grams of low-fat cheese a day. This way you will keep your teeth healthy without affecting your weight.

2. Salon

The celery is a very healthy vegetable, with great medicinal and nutritional properties. As a crunchy food, it is excellent for clearing plaque and polishing teeth and gums.

  • When consuming it, the production of saliva is increased, so it protects your oral health.
  • The consumption of celery provides vitamin C to the body.

This allows you to care for your gums and fight diseases like gingivitis while eliminating food scraps that can cause stains.

And all of the above translates into being able to whiten your teeth naturally with minimal effort.

3. Grapes

The high malic acid content that grapes contain makes them an ideal fruit for naturally whitening teeth.

Shortly after consuming them you will notice a considerable decrease in blemishes and discolorations.

In addition, grapes contain antioxidants that act as oral bactericides, so they also prevent inflammation and disease in the region.

4. Carrot

It is a food rich in fiber, folic acid, potassium, calcium and magnesium. It stands out over other vegetables for its high content of vitamin A and antioxidants.

Its orange color is due to its high beta-carotene content. We can eat it directly, or rub a piece on our teeth right after brushing.

When eaten raw, the carrot:

  • Deep cleans the mouth ;
  • Fights bacterial plaque;
  • Provides a shiny appearance to the tooth;

5. Strawberries

Strawberries are rich in antioxidants, malic acid and vitamin C, which help us whiten our teeth naturally.

We recommend consuming two or three strawberries before brushing your teeth or rubbing one over them.

6. Apple cider vinegar

It’s an excellent stain remover that you can add to your salads.

Another option is to mix some apple cider vinegar with baking soda to make a homemade toothpaste.

Although this is an excellent alternative for whitening teeth,  we should not repeat the procedure more than once a week  to avoid corroding the enamel and causing an unwanted effect.

7. Sesame seeds

Sesame seeds to whiten teeth

In ancient Egypt, sesame seeds were used as flour, while the Romans used it to prepare a butter-like mixture for eating bread.

This seed helps:

  • Minimize the risk of suffering from cancer;
  • Reduce cholesterol levels and blood pressure;
  • Prevent diabetes;
  • Whiten teeth naturally.

The latter is due to the fact that sesame seeds clear plaque and provide calcium to strengthen teeth.

8. Oranges

Oranges are low-fat fruits that do not contain calories or cholesterol. They are also rich in fibers called pectins, which are natural laxatives.

  • This citrus increases saliva production.
  • To whiten your teeth you can rub the inside of the orange peel onto your teeth.
  • This will effectively remove tartar and give you a brighter smile.

9. lemon juice

Special care must be taken, as lemon juice can affect tooth enamel if applied directly  without combining it with something else first.

  • Mix a little baking soda with a few drops of lemon until you get a smooth paste and wash your teeth.
  • Rinse your mouth with plenty of water right after the procedure.

10. Nuts

The consumption of foods such as walnuts offers multiple benefits to teeth. Among them is the  elimination of plaque to return the white color to teeth.

Furthermore, they are highly healthy for our bodies.

  • Nuts are one of the plant foods with the highest amount of omega 3 fatty acids. These are very helpful in maintaining good cardiovascular health.
  • It also offers us other nutrients such as vitamins, proteins, minerals and antioxidants.

Consume these foods on a regular basis to whiten your teeth

By including the foods we’ve just listed in your diet, you’re not only helping to whiten your teeth naturally, but you’re also providing your body with a number of very healthy nutrients.

However, it is necessary to take into account that  the consumption of these foods does not 100% prevent oral diseases.

This means that you should maintain proper oral hygiene, brush your teeth 3 times a day and visit your dentist if you experience any type of condition or malaise.

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