10 Body Facts That Will Surprise You

Did you know that fingers get wrinkled in water to provide a better grip? It’s a heritage from our ancestors, although it’s not much use nowadays.

In our space, we talk about how to take care of your health, how to apply, in your daily life, simple remedies to promote your well-being and enhance your beauty. We love being able to help and teach you new things at all times, so how about today we talk about the body?

Taking care of this perfect machine remains, at times, a mystery, as it has secrets that we will reveal today. Ready to learn about the body’s curiosities?

1. About the body: our digestion



The food we eat first spends between 3 to 6 hours, on average, in our stomach. In its interior, it can hold up to 2 liters of food, which is why many people take so long to feel full.

But you will be surprised to learn that some of the food we eat can stay in our large intestine for 8 to 20 hours. The reason?

There are people who suffer from slow intestinal transit, with which the process of digestion, synthesis and evacuation can be extremely slow.

2. About the body: how long can we live without food or water?

You may have asked yourself this question once. What’s worse? Going without drinking or going without eating?

The human body resists lack of food better than lack of fluids, which is why you should never neglect to be well hydrated, as the consequences can be really serious.

For your information, we count that the human body can go, depending on our health condition, approximately 7 days without food. Now, without water or liquids, we could hardly live longer than two or three days.

The moment the fluid stops reaching our organs, they start to fail.

3. About the body: the mystery of our skin


A really curious fact about our body. Do you know how much dead skin we can generate in our lifetime? Close to 15 kilos!

Far from producing repulsion, we should see this fact as something healthy, since exfoliation and the elimination of all those inert skins are essential to regenerate our skin and  make it much more beautiful.

4. Why do our fingers wrinkle when we spend a long time in water?

That’s the classic question kids always ask us. When we spend a long time in the bathtub or in a swimming pool, we immediately see how our toes, or even the soles of our feet, have the classic wrinkles.

This phenomenon is actually an attribute inherited from our ancestors.

The fact of having wrinkled fingers allowed our ancestors to be able to more easily harvest small seeds or plants on water surfaces, as it improves adherence.

If you want, take the test: try to get some marbles from the bottom of a bathtub before and after your fingers are wrinkled. Of course, we don’t need that at present.

5. About the body: curious things about our language


Our language is unique; no two are alike. It measures approximately 10 cm, but its shape, striations and lines are unique and unrepeatable, as are, for example, our fingerprints.

Want to know one more curiosity? At birth, we arrived in the world with millions of taste buds, but over the years we lose some. With which, these first flavors that we noticed in childhood were, without a doubt, unique and unrepeatable.

6. Our babies’ world

Did you know that a baby comes into the world with approximately 300 bones? There are many, isn’t it! But over time, these bones join together and we get a number of 206, which is what we adults have.

Another curiosity about babies is that the sound of the heart makes them relax. As they spend nine months in the womb, this sound usually accompanies them at every moment of their growth.

So, if there’s a night your baby can’t sleep, just lay your baby’s head on your chest so your baby can hear your heartbeat.

7. About the body: the growth of our hair


In our space, we often talk about the importance of getting adequate rest at night.

This is when our lymphatic system performs its clearance tasks and, furthermore, it is when growth hormone is secreted, in the case of children.

Of course if you are an adult your height will not change, but what will happen is that your hair will grow: between 2 and 3 mm per week.

8. We produce about 3 grams of antibodies per day

A really curious fact about our body is that  the  immune system is capable of producing 3 grams of antibodies daily to protect us from microorganisms, viruses and bacteria. If it weren’t for them, we would be sick almost every time.

9. Do you usually turn red?

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If you often turn red and show an attractive pink color in your cheeks, be aware that, at that very moment, the lining of your stomach turns too. It is worth remembering this famous theory that “the stomach is our second brain”, it is where many of our emotions are also concentrated.

10. About the body: navel, source of bacteria!

Did you know that our navel contains an authentic ecosystem of bacteria? Remember to keep it clean and don’t forget about that attractive area around our waist.

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